All of the faculty at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary are serious Buddhist practitioners who are volunteering their time and services to facilitate the coursework and help others learn more about the teachings of the Buddhas. We do not pretend to be experts or scholars, but we are capable in guiding and assisting the student in his or her studies and in gaining insight and understanding of Buddhism. There are two types of Faculty at Learning from Buddha College & Seminary (LFBCS): Facilitators and Mentors. Both are important. The Facilitators prepare the course syllabi and monitor the student’s progress. The mentors may help grade the student’s coursework and exams if it is not submitted in English and help with the discussion groups and office hours. The Mentors may be students themselves who have already completed a particular course or are very familiar with the content of that course and can help the student with the process of learning. Some faculty members play both roles for different courses. CLICK for more background on faculty qualifications.

Anjurshri (Armine) Alioto
Faciliator, Mentor

Baima Gabu Facilitator

Gongjue Tuji (Alexander) Koppe

Hua Qing (Don) Asper
Facilitator, Mentor

Mayra Teresa Enriquez Arias

Hua Ling (Natta) Quintero
