From time to time, the Learning from Buddha College and Seminar (LFBCS) will offer informational seminars on a particular topic, course, or event related to the operations and objectives of LFBCS. It does require completion of a G02-Spiritual Autobiography, a brief summary of your interest and background in Buddhism that is also required for anyone enrolling in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary Programs and in this case also in the Auditing version. This is because it is not based on an authorized translation and we need more information to be able to notify you if we need to update the English translation.
November 30, 2024: S01-Seminar on the Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation (SAUMOL). This course will be available starting November 30, 2024 at 9:00 am PST and again on other Saturdays in December, 2024 for as long as it takes.