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You may submit a paper in lieu of P90-Final Exam to receive certificate or degree from LFBCS. The paper should explain what you have learned from completing your program at LFBCS and what you will do with this knowledge and experience. There is no credit offered for this paper.
The jewels in our logo represent what one gains or experiences from learning from the Buddhas: The Red Jewel of Good Fortune, the Orange Jewel of Holy Manifestations or Miracles, the Yellow Jewel of the Five Vidyas, the Green Jewel of Wisdom, the Aqua Jewel of Compassion, the Blue Jewel of Sainthood, and the Purple Jewel of Enlightenment itself. The comprehensive exam should cover how one has progressed or learned in all of these.
Prerequisites: All of the required courses in either the certificate or degree program in either the Buddhist Studies Program or the Xiuxing Seminary Program.