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DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra: PART TWO-I

This course covers the core of the Heart Sutra text from “Avalokiteshvara...” up to “…and crossed beyond all suffering and adversity.”
Zhaxi Zhuoma
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HH. Dorje Chang Buddha III

This course is one of four devoted to PART TWO of Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that covers the parts contained in the actual text portion of the Heart Sutra. It was released in Chinese in 2014 but is not yet available in English. It is based on a series of very famous discourses given in China in 1992,  using the text, meaning, and principles of the Heart Sutra to transmit Dharma. It clearly explains the relationships between mind, Buddha, and living beings. It tells everyone what the absolute truth of Buddha-dharma and liberation is. Several years ago, His Holiness told a number of Western disciples that this is the only book you need to read to understand emptiness and become enlightened. This text is for acquiring prajna or transcendental wisdom, although it also teaches the importance of cultivating character.

To stress how important this holy book is, we must remember that just before the Buddha left this world His Holiness told us that . . . At all times, we must think about bringing auspiciousness, serenity, happiness, and peace to living beings and to the world, to the extent of giving our all and even our lives. I have already brought true Buddha Dharma to this world. Everyone who practices in accordance with The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation and Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra will surely attain liberation. That’s all. I wish all living beings happiness.”

At present the preliminary translation of this precious sutra can only be heard or read while at the Holy Vajrasana Temple and Retreat Center located near Sanger, California. You can only read the sutra in English on Kindles which are updated periodically to reflect the most current translation. HOWEVER, you cannot copy or record any of the sessions or the actual text

DCB22-Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Text of the Heart Sutra-I will be read and discussed during  various retreats held at the Holy Vajrasana Temple in Sanger CA and during ZOOM sessions. It covers the following section of the Heart Sutra:

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,  when practicing deeply prajna-paramita, illuminated the five aggregates, saw that they are all empty, and crossed beyond all suffering and adversity.” It also included classes on “Two levels of Wisdom-based Insights,”  “Consciousness, Dual-use/Two Body Dharma (Yam-Yum),” the “Four Great Elements, and “Time, the Ten Illusory Things, & the Eighteen Kinds of Emptiness.”

The rest of the book is covered in other courses—DCB21, DCB23, DCB24, DCB25, & DCB26.

You will be able to read the latest draft of the text as translated by BodhWentu Rinpoche at the temple. PLEASE NOTE that this translation has not been approved or is authorized for distribution. The abbot of the temple was given permission to read this translation and allow people to read the text while at the temple and only at the temple. We have kindles that are available for individual use for the class.  The temple only has dorm and private rooms for a few people. Spaces will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Current COVID rules will apply concerning how many can attend, wearing of masks, vaccination requirements, etc. Priority for attendance at these retreats will be given to those who are enrolled in either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary programs at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary, but others may be able to visit the temple and read the text on kindles at other times. Please call in advance to make sure the temple is open.

This interactive course is not available for those enrolled in the free membership program for AUDITING STUDENTS. It will only be part of the paid membership program.

Click on the “Curriculum” tab to review this course.  If you have not registered for a membership, please click on “Membership” on the top menu bar to select your membership and enroll in this course.  You are also required to complete the application form provided in course “G02-Spiritual Autobiography” prior to being admitted to either the BUDDHIST STUDIES or the XIUXING SEMINARY PROGRAMS. Click for detailed Users Guide under the “STUDENT MANUAL” in the website’s top menu bar for more information.

Prior to viewing this course, you are required to listen to the caveats provided in “PRELIMINARY STEPS” of Section 1 of the curriculum, which is a requirement for all preliminary translations of the Buddha Master’s teachings and complete “D01(A)-The Supreme and Magnificent Dharma”.

CLICK for link to an English translation of all five volumes of Nagarjuna’s Maha Prajna Paramita Shastra, an encyclopedia (941,039 words) of Mahayana Buddhist thinking that is a commentary on the Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita (The Perfection of Wisdom in Five Thousand Lines) that is frequently referenced in Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra.

PART TWO: Expounding the Dharma through the Text of the Heart Sutra-1
Why do we need the preliminary steps?
Our school offers an introduction to the Practices and Blessings Tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. We offer certain practices that can enable you to become enlightened in this lifetime if followed precisely. This is possible with the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and by our cultivation of morality, meditation, and wisdom. We recognize and praise these holy beings by our chants and develop our wisdom through learning the Dharma. We also recognize that, at present, we only have preliminary translations that may contain errors, but that still offer us guidance on our path.
Why do we dedicate merit after hearing the Dharma?
Part of our cultivation is to share any merit we receive with all living beings (not just humans). You will understand these concepts and principles as you study these courses.
I have completed some of the assignments or events, but it doesn’t seem to be registering, since at the end it does not correctly show my status. What am I doing wrong?
It is probably because you did not click the “Completed” button at the end of the task. The other reason is that it may be for “Assignments (essay questions)” that are pending approval by the facilitator. It can be confusing. If you are not getting a response from the facilitator, email them and be sure and include your name and the Course ID and ask to have course graded.
Why can I not complete and proceed to next assignment?
It probably means that there are more questions to be answered and The button is probably dimmed to indicate there are more questions to be answered. There may not be a scroll bar shown, so you will need to use your "scroll key" to go to botttom of list of questions. The blue "COMPLETE & SCROLL" button should be bright blue now and you can proceed.

2023-8-24: Two new questions added to Lesson 8 and minor edits to several existing questions.

2023-9-18: Questions 51-300 for Lessons 9 through 14 have been added and minor editorial corrections added to reflect changes in retreat policy at the Holy Vajrasana Temple.

2024-05-12: Additional questions added to Assignment 11b: Dual-use/Two-body Dharma 

Course details
Lectures 53
Assignments 3
Level Advanced
Layer 1
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