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G02-Spiritual Autobiography

Prerequisite to being admitted into either the Buddhist Studies Program or the Xiuxing Seminary Program.
Zhaxi Zhuoma
40 Students enrolled
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This course is the essential part of your application to join the Buddhist Studies Program, the Xiuxing Seminary Program, or the Xiuxing Practice Certificate Program at the Learning from Buddha College and Seminary. It is your spiritual autobiography at this point in time and intended to enable you to do a comprehensive introspection of what you have done to date in terms of your spiritual evolution. This does not need to be just formal spiritual practices, but can also be events, work, volunteering, academic inquiry, or anything that brought you to your present state. You should also assess why you are or are about to become a Buddhist, if that is your case. What brought you to that state? It also will include looking forward and what your spiritual goals are and specifically what you hope to gain by completing a certificate program or attaining a master’s degree. If appropriate, you may share your plans for establishing a Dharma Center or Temple and your outreach to bring others to the dharma.

The jewels in our logo represent what one gains or experiences from learning from the Buddhas: The Red Jewel of Good Fortune, the Orange Jewel of Holy Manifestations or Miracles, the Yellow Jewel of the Five Vidyas, the Green Jewel of Wisdom, the Aqua Jewel of Compassion, the Blue Jewel of Sainthood, and the Purple Jewel of Enlightenment itself. You can assess how well you have done in all these areas when you are ready to graduate from the program when you take your comprehensive exam (P90) or do your dissertation (P95) or receive your certificate

This interactive course is not available for those enrolled in the free membership program for AUDITING STUDENTS. It is only part of the Buddhist Studies and Xiuxing Seminary membership programs.

Click on the “Curriculum” tab to review this course.  If you have not registered for a membership, please click on “Membership” on the top menu bar to select either the Buddhist Studies or Xiuxing Seminary membership and enroll in this course.  Click for detailed Users Guide under the “STUDENT MANUAL” in the website’s top menu bar for more information.

There are no prerequisites discourses that you are required to hear before you complete this application, but taking refuge and related steps are required for the Xiuxing Seminary.

This essay is a prerequisite to being admitted into the Buddhist Studies Program, the Xiuxing Seminary Program,  or the Xiuxing Practice Certificate Program.

2024-10-06:  "How to do assignments" instructions added; 

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