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The Xiuxing Seminary Program

The Xiuxing Seminary Program is for someone who wants to train to become a Bodhisattva and bring others to the Dharma. It includes everything in the Buddhist Studies Program, but is only open to those who have taken or intend to take refuge in the Buddha and are or want to be practicing Buddhists and who desire to become masters. It places more emphasis on the actual practice of Buddhism. There is an additional requirement of a 30-day solitary silent meditation retreat and there are certain classes intended to help the student establish their own dharma center or temple. There is also more emphasis on receiving the initiations and empowerments necessary to quickly progress on the path.

It requires the equivalency of a two-year full time program with completion of at least 72 credits of coursework to achieve a Certificate or Masters of Xiuxing degree. A student may take as long as needed to progress to this point and continue as long as new Dharma Discourses and texts are available. The courses offered in the Xiuxing Seminary Program can also help train a student to become a Dharma Master and open his or her own temple or Dharma Center. A Xiuxing Seminary student may take any course offered by LFBCS as many times as he or she wants as long as he or she maintains a Xiuxing Seminary membership in LFBCS.

CLICK for required and prerequisite courses included in the Xiuxing Seminary Program.


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