H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been recognized by the most highly realized practitioners of Buddhism as the third incarnation of the original Buddha, Dorje Chang Buddha (Buddha Vajradhara). Dorje Chang Buddha is the teacher of all Buddhas–past and future–including the Buddha of our current era, The Most Honored One, Shakyamuni Buddha. LFBCS offers a course on the Big Blue Book G01(A)-H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma that documents this recognition process, provides testimonials from His disciples, and shows many examples of his accomplishments in medicine, the arts, technology, sound, expounding profound Buddha Dharma, and other aspects of the five vidyas. G40(A)-Thus Have I Seen: The Marvelous True Buddha Dharma & Its Power to Transform also provides more testimonials and examples of the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
Only one other time, did this great holy being incarnate in this world and that was as the layman, Ven. Vimalakirti, at the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. The LFBCS course V01-Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra documents His teachings at that time. Other sources such as The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History by the former leader of the Nyingma Sect, Dharma King Dudjom Rinpoche, also talk about the role of Vimalakirti in bringing others to help propagate the true Dharma (See B58-H.H. Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (1904-1987)).
G03(A)-Evolution of Buddhism & Five Vidyas provides a visual map of how the various manifestations of Dorje Chang Buddha have come to this world along with the evolution of the various major Buddhist lineages. This course also provides detailed articles on the incarnations in this world of Dorje Chang Buddha as well as information on His teachings. It also explains what Buddhas do—the five vidyas. It maps out how one becomes a Buddha.
Many do not understand what the phrase “most highly realized practitioners” means. These are the saints or holy beings who through their own efforts of diligently cultivating themselves to be like buddhas and practicing holy teachings or dharmas to become buddhas have actually achieved some recognizable accomplishments. Many are not so well known, as they have spent their lives in isolation so as to perfect their cultivation and practice and remained out of the limelight. Not all famous or well known Buddhists are accomplished, but some are. There were sixty dharma kings and others who recognized the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. This recognition was based on His accomplishments in all of the five vidyas. Many Buddhists–probably most–do not even know what the term “five vidyas” means, but if you carefully research the historic accounts, you will find that it was based on such accomplishments that the great Buddhists of times past were recognized and not by worldly sources. Several of the courses at LFBCS discuss the five vidyas including G03(A) and G40(A) mentioned above.
It is not surprising that this recognition has created some controversy and that many are threatened by this revelation. The fact is that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s mind practice was different from that of all other dharma kings, rinpoches, and dharma masters in the world. For example, He was truly completely proficient in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and possesses perfect mastery of the five vidyas, while essentially no other people were able to accomplish that through history. More importantly, He only benefited and helped others and did not accept money or properties from other people. He even announced that He would never accept offerings and would solely benefit others. Consequently, this fact causes other dharma kings, rinpoches, and great dharma masters of Buddhism to feel very embarrassed and depressed, because all these dharma kings, rinpoches, and dharma masters have to collect and accept offerings.
We should all agree that these are the dharma ending days that Shakyamuni Buddha predicted. It was also predicted that great holy beings would incarnate from time-to-time to help those with the karmic affinity to receive such help through this difficult period. We should remember His parting words to us: “. . . At all times, we must think about bringing auspiciousness, serenity, happiness, and peace to living beings and to the world, to the extent of giving our all and even our lives. I have already brought true Buddha Dharma to this world. Everyone who practices in accordance with The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation and Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra will surely attain liberation. That’s all. I wish all living beings happiness.”