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The Buddha Dharma is precious and sacred. We must have proper respect for it. Being disrespectful can only result in negative karma. Learning from Buddha College & Seminary (LFBCS) does not want that to happen. Therefore, LFBCS reserves the right to terminate your membership in LFBCS at its sole discretion at any time if you are disrespectful to the Buddha Dharma or if your conduct violates the Buddha Dharma. Furthermore, LFBCS reserves the right to terminate your membership in LFBCS at its sole discretion if you share with others, disseminate, reveal to the public, or in any way alter any recordings provided by LFBCS. In the event of termination, if you have a paid membership based on a monthly fee, LFBCS will stop collection of your monthly fees from the time of termination, and if you have a paid membership based on an annual fee, LFBCS will refund part of your annual fee prorated from the date of termination. LFBCS reserves all legal rights it may have in addition to termination of your membership.

Agreeing to the above terms is a prerequisite for anyone who desires to become a student at LFBCS, whether a free student or paying student. By checking the box below, you confirm that you read, understand, and accept these terms and waive any legal rights that you otherwise may have in this regard.

Membership Plan

Auditing Student

Unlimited (A) Courses Get access to preliminary translations of most of the Dharma Discourses and Holy Texts. As an Auditing Student you are not able to participate in quizzes, debates, or other assignments. Open to anyone.
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